Android 8.0 O: Erste Developer Preview veröffentlicht

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Android O Logo

Android 8.0 O ist da! Ok, nur die erste Developer Preview, aber immerhin. Eigentlich war man davon ausgegangen, dass mit dieser erst im Mai zur Google I/O 2017 zu rechnen wäre. Doch bis zum finalen Release des neuen Android 8.0 O vergehen noch einige Monate.

Auch beim kommenden Android O fährt Google wieder die bisher bekannte Masche und stellt im Vorfeld eine Developer Preview zur Verfügung. Hat ja ja auch bei den letzten Versionen bewährt. Mit der Entwicklerversion können die Modelle Nexus 5X, Nexus 6P, der Nexus Player, das Pixel C, Pixel und das Pixel XL versorgt werden. Wer also mutig ist, der kann sich diese auf seinem Modell installieren. Die Anleitung und alles andere findet ihr hier. Noch ist Android O in der Developer Preview aber nicht für den täglichen Gebrauch geeignet. Und auch der finale Rollout von Android 8.0 O wird sich noch einige Monat hinziehen, der finale Release ist für das dritte Quartal geplant, zwischen Ende August und Anfang Oktober. Und hier nun ein Auszug von den Neuerungen von Android O:

Background limits: Building on the work we began in Nougat, Android O puts a big priority on improving a user’s battery life and the device’s interactive performance. To make this possible, we’ve put additional automatic limits on what apps can do in the background, in three main areas: implicit broadcasts, background services, and location updates. These changes will make it easier to create apps that have minimal impact on a user’s device and battery. Background limits represent a significant change in Android, so we want every developer to get familiar with them. Check out the documentation on background execution limits and background location limits for details.

Notification channels: Android O also introduces notification channels, which are new app-defined categories for notification content. Channels let developers give users fine-grained control over different kinds of notifications — users can block or change the behavior of each channel individually, rather than managing all of the app’s notifications together.

Autofill APIs: Android users already depend on a range of password managers to autofill login details and repetitive information, which makes setting up new apps or placing transactions easier. Now we are making this work more easily across the ecosystem by adding platform support for autofill. Users can select an autofill app, similar to the way they select a keyboard app. The autofill app stores and secures user data, such as addresses, user names, and even passwords. For apps that want to handle autofill, we’re adding new APIs to implement an Autofill service.

PIP for handsets and new windowing features: Picture in Picture (PIP) display is now available on phones and tablets, so users can continue watching a video while they’re answering a chat or hailing a car. Apps can put themselves in PiP mode from the resumed or a pausing state where the system supports it – and you can specify the aspect ratio and a set of custom interactions (such as play/pause). Other new windowing features include a new app overlay window for apps to use instead of system alert window, and multi-display support for launching an activity on a remote display.

Font resources in XML: Fonts are now a fully supported resource type in Android O. Apps can now use fonts in XML layouts as well as define font families in XML — declaring the font style and weight along with the font files.

Adaptive icons: To help you integrate better with the device UI, you can now create adaptive icons that the system displays in different shapes, based on a mask selected by the device. The system also animates interactions with the icons, and them in the launcher, shortcuts, Settings, sharing dialogs, and in the overview screen.

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