EMUI 9.1: 11 weitere Huawei und Honor Smartphones bekommen Update

In China bekommen nun 11 weitere Smartphone-Modelle von Huawei und Honor das Update auf die neue Benutzeroberfläche EMUI 9.1 spendiert.
Während bei den Huawei-Modellen EMUI 9.1 (Emotion User Interface EMUI) als neue Benutzeroberfläche ausgerollt wird, hat man bei Honor dieser ja einen neuen Namen gegeben. Seit den Honor Magic 2 hat sie dort nun Magic UI (Magic User Interface) und kommt folglich als Magic UI 2.1 auf die Geräte.
Die Beta ist in China ab sofort für folgende Modelle verfügbar:
- Huawei P20 Lite
- Huawei Nova 3
- Huawei Nova 3i
- Huawei Nova 2
- Huawei P10
- Honor View 20 (Magic UI 2.1)
- Honor Magic 2 (Magic UI 2.1)
- Honor 7X
- Honor 8X
- Honor 9
- Honor 10
Wie ihr sicherlich selbst bemerkt habt, sind von den genannten Modellen nicht alle bei uns in Deutschland erhältlich. Vermutlich wird auch hier die Beta nicht lange laufen und schon in 3-4 Wochen wird dann das finale Update dort zur Verfügung stehen.
Und für diejenigen von euch, die genau wissen wollen, was die neue Version der Benutzeroberfläche beinhaltet, gibt es hier noch einmal den kompletten Changelog:
GPU Turbo 3.0
- Huawei’s GPU Turbo 3.0 acceleration technology supports dozens of more games, allowing you to enjoy an improved gaming experience.
PC Continuity
- Supports instantaneous sharing of clipboard and screen recordings between your phone and Huawei MateBook.
Intuitive design
- We’ve simplified the UI in EMUI 9.1, making it easier and more intuitive to use.
Nature’s sounds
- Alarms and ringtones are inspired by nature, bringing the wild back to your everyday.
Illustrated functionality
- We’ve made it easier to learn about your phone with graphically engaging instructions and descriptions.
Simple settings
- EMUI 9.1 unifies, combining once separate functions into a single, streamlined experience. All of your most frequently used settings are easier to access. Merges the auto-update settings of the phone number directory and business card templates under Auto-update databases.
Smart shopping AR scanning capability meets image recognition technology to help you track down any item and purchase it.
- Scan food to count calories: Get calorie info on hundreds of different types of food. Sticking to your diet has never been easier.
- Search, understand, grow: We’ve leveled up search capabilities, adding reverse image search to help you learn more about people, plants, and even vehicles.
Smart suggestions
- AI learning features are here to make you more efficient, with context-based learning to help you catch that flight/train and make that meeting on time. You can also get travel tips and other related info.
- Tips provides you with useful tips and hints for using your Huawei device, including reminders during daily use, and includes a “Try now” option for highlight features.
Full-screen translation
- Simply hold two fingers on some text to translate the entire screen. Multiple languages supported.
System music
- Updates the pre-downloaded songs to better cater to your preference.
Incoming call video
- Customizes incoming call videos for your contacts.
- Optimizes HiVoice, allowing you to use voice commands to take selfies, record slow-mo videos, obtain calorie information, recognize and identify objects, scan QR codes, and search images.
Password vault
- Never worry about forgetting another password. Just put them in your Password vault, and it will autofill your passwords after a simple and secure identity authentication.
Digital balance
- Updates Student mode to Digital balance and adds the Screen time, App limits, and Bedtime settings. Digital balance helps you understand and manage your and your child’s habits, so you and your family can live in perfect harmony with technology.
Pure safety
- Your phone can recognize which apps are safe, and knows how to protect itself. It will alert you of potential risks and block malicious operations.
- Adds features such as edit and speed up to Recorder, and optimizes the interface for consistency and ease of operation.
Phone Clone
- Improves the data transfer speed and integrity of Phone Clone.
Faster launch times
- We’ve improved launch speeds for the most popular apps on the market. Functionality Once-heavy processes now move lightning fast. We’ve boosted QR code scanning in WeChat, loading times for large photos, shotting, sharing, and more.
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Vermutlich dürften die deutschen User irgendwann im Sommer in den Genuss von EMUI 9.1 bzw. Magic UI 2.1 kommen.
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