Firefox 116.0 zur Installation verfügbar

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Quelle: Mozilla Corporation

Firefox wurde heute in der neuen Version 116.0 veröffentlicht. Mit dieser neuen Version kommen viele neue Funktionen bei den Usern an, wie die neue große Versionsnummer bereits vermuten lässt.

Mit Version 116.0 kommt nun ein weiteres großes Update für den Browser. Mit der neuen Version kommen viele neue Features und es wurden kleinere Fehler behoben. Der Changelog ist dieses mal recht umfangreich, da haben die Entwickler ganze Arbeit geleistet.

Firefox 116.0 Changelog


  • Sidebar switcher allows users to access Bookmarks, History and Synced Tabs panels easily, quickly switch between them, move the sidebar to another side of the browser window, or close the sidebar. Now, keyboard users would be able to do it all with ease too, with or without any assistive technology running, without needing to memorize keyboard shortcuts to access these panels.
  • When an update is available in English locales, users will now have access to the release notes in the update notification prompt in the form of a „Learn More“ link.
  • It is now possible to copy any file from your operating system and paste it into Firefox.
  • You asked, and we listened! The volume slider is now available in Picture-in-Picture.
  • We added the possibility to edit existing text annotations.


  • The upload performance of HTTP/2 has been significantly improved starting with Firefox 115.0, particularly on those with a higher bandwidth delay product (i.e., networks characterized by both high bandwidth and high latency).
  • Various security fixes.


  • The keyboard shortcut to reopen closed tabs (command + shift + t) now reopens last closed tab or last closed window, in the order items were closed. If there aren’t any tabs or windows to reopen, this command restores the previous session. This change is in anticipation of upcoming changes to recently closed tabs.


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