Firefox 129.0 zur Installation verfügbar

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Quelle: Mozilla Corporation

Firefox wurde heute in der neuen Version 129.0 veröffentlicht. Mit dieser neuen Version kommen viele neue Funktionen bei den Usern an, wie die neue große Versionsnummer bereits vermuten lässt.

Mit Version 129.0 kommt nun ein weiteres großes Update für den Browser. Mit der neuen Version kommen viele neue Features und es wurden kleinere Fehler behoben. Der Changelog ist dieses mal recht umfangreich, da haben die Entwickler ganze Arbeit geleistet.

Firefox 129.0 Changelog


  • Reader View now has an enhanced Text and Layout menu with new options for character spacing, word spacing, and text alignment. These changes offer a more accessible reading experience.
  • Reader View now has a Theme menu with additional Contrast and Gray options. You can also select custom colors for text, background, and links from the Custom tab.
  • A tab preview is now displayed when hovering the mouse over background tabs, making it easier to locate the desired tab without needing to switch tabs.
  • HTTPS is replacing HTTP as the default protocol in the address bar on non-local sites. If a site is not available via HTTPS, Firefox will fall back to HTTP.
  • HTTPS DNS records can now be resolved with the operating system’s DNS resolver on specific platforms (Windows 11, Linux, Android 10+). Previously this required DNS over HTTPS to be enabled. This capability allows the use of HTTP/3 without needing to use the Alt-Svc header, upgrades requests to HTTPS when the DNS record is present, and enables wider use of ECH.
  • Added support for multiple languages in the same document spoken in macOS VoiceOver.
  • Address Autofill is now enabled for users in France and Germany.




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