Google System Updates vom Oktober 2022 sind da

Nicht nur Android Updates gibt es regelmäßig von Google, sondern auch die Google System Updates. Und die wurden nun im Oktober 2022 um neue Features und Fehlerbehebungen erweitert. Nun liegt das Changelog für das Update mit allen Neuerungen vor.
Durch Google-Systemupdates werden Android-Geräte sicherer und zuverlässiger und es gibt neue und nützliche Funktionen. Hierzu gehören Updates von Google für das Android-Betriebssystem, den Google Play Store und Google Play-Dienste. Google-Systemupdates sind für Smartphones, Tablets, Android TV und Google TV, Fahrzeuge mit Android Auto, Wear OS-Geräte und Chrome OS-Geräte verfügbar.
Nun liegt also das Changelog des Google System Updates vom Oktober 2022 vor, der wie folgt aussieht:
Account Management
- [Phone] Allows users to hide recommended apps during the Google Kids Space onboarding flow.[2]
- [Auto, Phone, TV, Wear] Improvements to account syncing and account recovery.[2]
- [Phone] Ability to install Google Kids Space on a tablet’s secondary user during device setup.[2]
- [Phone] Bug fixes for system management & diagnostics, and utilities related services.[1]
- [Phone] With the migration of the parental approval and consent to Google Material 3, users will experience a more consistent UI experience in-line with Google design standards.[4]
Device Connectivity
- [Phone] Switches bluetooth audio peripherals between supported phones and watches for calls.[5]
Google Play Store
- New Features to help you discover the Apps & Games you love.[3]
- Optimizations allowing faster and more reliable download and installation.[3]
- Continuous improvements to Play Protect to keep your device safe.[3]
- Various performance optimizations, bug fixes and improvements to security, stability and accessibility.[3]
- [Wear OS] With updates to the Play Store on Wear OS home page, users can experience a new content forward display that makes it easier to find recommended apps.[3]
- [Wear OS] When users install an app on their Wear OS device that requires a companion app, their mobile device will automatically install the companion app.[3]
- [Wear OS] New secondary menu to allow users to browse recommended apps for their Wear OS, Android TV or Android Auto devices from their Android phones.[3]
- [Phone] Learn more about Play’s Top Picks by expanding results to see more details about the app or game directly within the Play’s Top Picks module.[3]
- [Phone] Optimize menu navigation for large screens on landscape mode.[3]
- [Phone] Provide information about device security from Google Play Protect in the system Security and Privacy settings page on specific Android 13 devices.[3]
- [Phone] Android 13 consumer education experience.[2]
- [Auto, Phone] Autofill will now notify users if their sign-on credentials have been found in a public data breach.[2]
- [Phone] You can now get visual feedback when you lock, unlock, or start your car with a digital car key.[2]
- [Wear OS] This feature lets you add new forms of payment to Google Pay in Japan.[2]
- [Phone] Enable showing open loop transit agencies in list of purchasable transit passes.[2]
Developer Services
- New developer features for Google and third party app developers to support Account Management, Security & Privacy related developer services in their apps.[2]
System Management
- Updates to system management services that improve device performance, device connectivity, network usage, security, stability, and updatability.[1][4]
[1] Available through Google Play system update for September
[2] Available through Google Play services v36.22 updated on 09/29/2022
[3] Available through Google Play Store v32.4 updated on 09/21/2022
[4] Available through Google Play services v39.22 updated on 09/29/2022
[5] Available through Google Play services v31.22 updated on 09/29/2022
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