Nothing Phone (1) bekommt endlich finales Android 13 Update

Nothing Phone (1) Header
Quelle: Schmidtis Blog

Nothing hatte bereits im Dezember letzten Jahres die erste Nothing OS 1.5 Open Beta-Build für das Nothing Phone (1) veröffentlicht, um den Nutzern die Möglichkeit zu geben, Android 13 bereits vor dem stabilen Rollout zu testen. Nach einer kurzen Testphase hat das Unternehmen nun damit begonnen, das finale Android 13 Update auszurollen.

Wie mehrere Nutzer auf dem offiziellen Discord-Server von Nothing und auf Reddit berichten, steht das finale Android 13-Update für das Nothing Phone (1) in Form von Nothing OS 1.5.2 zur Verfügung. Mit einer Größe von 157 MB ist dieses Update vergleichsweise klein. Die Version enthält auch die Android-Sicherheitspatches vom Januar 2023.

Nothing OS 1.5.2 Android 13 Changelog

  • Weather app
    • New Nothing weather app
    • Tapping a weather widget on the homescreen now directly opens the corresponding city in the app instead of opening a link.
  • Customisation
    • All new Glyph soundpack for more ringtone and notification sounds.
    • More color schemes available from the wallpaper selector.
    • New collection of minimalist wallpapers.
    • Icons can match your background color to make your home screen look more consistent.
    • Lockscreen shortcut customisations. Create shortcuts for camera, torch, device controls, and wallet.
  • Improved experience
    • Easily switch data usage when using dual SIM with the improved network Quick Settings panel.
    • Automatically show the current network and display how much mobile data you have used in Quick Settings.
    • Directly scan a QR code in the Camera app. Scanner also appears as a shortcut in Quick Settings.
    • Select language preferences for different apps.
  • Visual improvement
    • A New look for Media Control. Puts album artwork on full display with a wider set of music controls.
    • Improved volume settings panel. Allows granular volume control without unlocking the device.
    • Improved Game Mode light notifications. So there is less distraction when you are playing.
    • Smoother animations when transitioning the display between on and off.
    • More refined Camera app interface.
  • Privacy and safety
    • Get an alert when an app accesses your clipboard. Cleared history after a period of time to prevent unwanted access.
    • Added Personal Safety app.
    • Better privacy protection including Photo Picker, nearby Wi-Fi devices permission, and select media permission.
  • System performance
    • Fingerprint unlock accuracy has improved by up to 12%.
    • App startup speed has increased by up to 71%.
    • Standby power consumption has improved by up to 50%.
    • Implemented a new self-repair feature to periodically delete unused system dumps and cache.
    • Increased system stability.
    • General bug fixes.


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