Nothing Phone (2) bekommt Nothing OS 2.5.2 Update

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Quelle: Schmidtis Blog

Nothing hat heute ein neues Update für das Nothing Phone 2 veröffentlicht. Das Update bringt einige Verbesserungen und Fehlerbehebungen mit sich. Das Update wird ab heute schrittweise eingeführt.

Um das Update zu installieren, öffnet man die Einstellungen-App und geht zu „System“ > „Systemaktualisierung“. Wenn das Update verfügbar ist, wird es angezeigt. Tippt dann auf „Herunterladen und installieren“.

Nothing OS 2.5.2 Changelog

What’s new

  • Get direct access to the Glyph Interface’s Music Visualisation feature (some of you may have already discovered it).
  • You can now directly set your network via Quick Settings without unlocking the device.


  • Refined visual effects on the lock screen interface.
  • Optimised the display of icons in the status bar.
  • Improved the success rate of fingerprint unlocking.
  • Refined transition animations for the Photos widget.
  • Improved stability in call and connection quality.

Bug Fixes

  • Improved the game dashboard’s FPS to ensure it regularly updates.
  • Resolved an issue causing the Glyph switch to automatically turn on in certain scenarios.
  • Resolved a case where volume would automatically change during Flip to Glyph.
  • Resolved a problem causing Glyph to turn off automatically when not within the Bedtime schedule.
  • Resolved music playback so that it does not play during incoming calls in Vibrate Mode.
  • Refined functions to ensure that double-tapping the power button can launch the Wallet.
  • Resolved a problem that caused battery percentage to not appear in the status bar.
  • Fixed stability issues with NFC functionality.


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