OnePlus 7-Reihe bekommt OxygenOS 11 Open Beta 4

OnePlus 7T Pro

Das OnePlus 7, OnePlus 7 Pro, OnePlus 7T und OnePlus 7T Pro bekommen ab sofort die OxygenOS 11 Open Beta 4 zum testen. Wer an der Beta teilnimmt, sollte automatisch ein Update erhalten haben.

Gleich alle Modelle der OnePlus 7-Reihe bekommen nun ebenfalls ein neues OxygenOS 11 zum testen. Mittlerweile ist man bei der Open Beta 4 angelangt und diese bringt wieder eine ganze Reihe von Neuerungen/Änderungen, wie der Blick auf die Changelogs verrät:

OnePlus 7 & 7 Pro OxygenOS 11 Open Beta 4 Changelog

  • System
    • Fixed the issue that the battery icon in the status bar is abnormally displayed
    • Fixed known issues and improved system stability
  • Bluetooth
    • Fixed the issue where Bluetooth headsets are silent in aptX Adaptive mode

Since the OnePlus 7 skipped Open Beta 3, this is the OnePlus 7-specific change log:

  • System
    • Fixed the issue of slow charging rate in some cases
    • Fixed the issue where Voice Wakeup is turned off after a system upgrade
    • Fixed the lagging issue when playing screen-recorded videos
    • Fixed the small probability failure issue with the Double Tap to Wake
    • Fixed the issue that the battery icon in the status bar is abnormally displayed
  • Ambient Display
    • Always-on ambient display is available now (Go to: Settings – Utilities – OnePlus Laboratory – Always-on ambient display)
  • Bluetooth
    • Fixed the silent issue when the Bluetooth transport protocol is changed to aptX or aptX Adaptive
  • Network
    • Improved the stability of the Wi-Fi connection and reduce Internet outages

OnePlus 7T & 7T Pro OxygenOS 11 Open Beta 4 Changelog

  • System
    • Fixed the issue that the battery icon in the status bar is abnormally displayed
    • Fixed known issues and improved system stability
  • Bluetooth
    • Fixed the issue where Bluetooth headsets are silent in aptX Adaptive mode

OnePlus (2)

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