OnePlus 8, 8 Pro und OnePlus 8T OxygenOS 12 Update gestartet – aber noch nicht in Europa

OnePlus 8T
Photo by Li Yan on Unsplash

OnePlus scheint ein arbeitsreiches Wochenende zu haben, denn im Community-Forum ist gerade die Nachricht aufgetaucht, dass OxygenOS 12 offiziell für das OnePlus 8, OnePlus 8 Pro und OnePlus 8T verfügbar ist – jedoch noch nicht bei uns in Europa.

Obwohl es sich um den stabilen Build handelt, ist die Veröffentlichung derzeit nur auf bestehende Open-Beta-Teilnehmer beschränkt. Darüber hinaus ist das Update für die OnePlus 8-Serie für die europäische Variante aufgrund zusätzlicher Validierungsanforderungen noch nicht fertig. Es ist davon auszugehen, dass das stabile OxygenOS 12 OTA im Laufe der kommenden Woche an alle Nutzer ausgerollt wird, es sei denn, es werden irgendwelche auffälligen Bugs entdeckt.

OnePlus 8, 8 Pro & OnePlus 8T OxygenOS 12 Changelog

  • System
    • Optimized desktop icons with improved textures, by using a design inspired by brand-new materials and uniting lights and layers
    • Fixed the issue that background applications are abnormally closed in specific scenarios
    • Fixed the issue with lens permissions when using third party camera applications
    • Fixed the issue of screen cannot respond when receiving notifications
  • Dark mode
    • Dark mode now supports three adjustable levels, bringing a more personalized and comfortable user experience
  • Shelf
    • New additional style options for Cards, making data contents more visual and easier to read
    • Newly added Earphone Control Card with Bluetooth earphone one-click adjustment
    • Newly added access to OnePlus Scout in Shelf, allowing you to search multiple contents on your phone, including Apps, Settings, Media Data, etc
    • Newly added OnePlus Watch Card in Shelf, to easily glance at your health stats
  • Work Life Balance
    • Work Life Balance feature is now available to all users, allowing you to effortlessly switch between Work and Life mode via quick settings
    • WLB 2.0 now supports automatic Work/Life mode switching, based on specific locations, Wi-Fi network, and time, also bringing customized App notification profiles according to the personalization
  • Gallery
    • Gallery now allows you to switch between different layouts with a two-finger pinch gesture, intelligently recognizing the best-quality pictures, and cropping the thumbnail based on the content, making the gallery layout more pleasing
  • Canvas AOD
    • Canvas AOD brings you new diverse styles of lines and colors, for a more personalized lock screen experience with inspiring visuals
    • Newly added multiple brushes and strokes and support for color adjustment
    • Optimized software algorithm and improved face recognition to better identify the features and skin color of different figures
  • Network
    • Fixed the issue that unable to automatically connect to Wi-Fi
  • Bluetooth
    • Fixed the issue that wireless earphones cannot play sound when connecting Bluetooth in specific scenarios

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