OnePlus 8-Reihe: OxygenOS Update wird verteilt

OnePlus 8 Pro

Das OnePlus 8 und OnePlus 8 Pro bekommen mal wieder ein neues Update spendiert. OxygenOS da und bringt u.a. den März 2021 Sicherheitspatch auf die Geräte.

Das neue Update behebt ferner eine ganze Reihe von Problemen, darunter die Gesten-Sensitivität während dem Aufladen sowie die Position des Notfall-Icons auf dem Lockscreen und auch die Wiedergabeprobleme von 4K-Cine-Videos mit 60 FPS sowie mit dem Wecker, der seltsamerweise genau werktags einen wohl manchmal nicht rechtzeitig weckte.

OnePlus 8-Reihe OxygenOS Changelog

  • System
    • Optimized the position of the EMERGENCY icon in the lock screen
    • Improved the navigation gestures sensitivity during charging
    • Fixed the failure issue after changing the customized font
    • Fixed the issue that the Splash Screen Information Service may stop working
    • Fixed the small probability issue that the language in Provision does not follow the system language
    • Fixed the small probability issue that the expanded screenshot may stop working
    • Fixed the small probability issue with the Recorder that the recording quality may not meet the expected result
    • Fixed the issue that reusing the wrong fingerprint long press to unlock will cause a flash screen
    • Fixed the small probability issue that double-tapping is abnormally triggered when typing
    • Fixed the failure issue when waking the voice assistance in lock screen by swiping the icon
    • Fixed the issue in which home screen time is displayed abnormally when the system language is Arabic
    • Updated Android security patch to 2021.03
  • Camera
    • Fixed the lagging issue when playing videos recorded by 4K CINE 60FPS
  • OnePlus Share
    • Fixed the issue that files sent by other third-party devices cannot be received
  • Clock
    • Fixed the issue that the alarm clock may not ring as scheduled on workdays


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