OnePlus 8T bekommt OxygenOS Open Beta 3
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Das OnePlus 8T bekommt eine neue Testfirmware spendiert. Die OxygenOS Open Beta 3 ist für das Gerät verfügbar. Und es gibt wieder eine ganze Reihe an Änderungen und Neuerungen, wie ein Blick auf den Changelog verrät.
Das neueste Update behebt viele der zuvor gemeldeten Fehler, darunter die Statusleiste, die keine App-Symbole anzeigt, verpasste Anrufe, die nicht in der Benachrichtigungsleiste angezeigt werden, das Problem mit dem erweiterten Screenshot, der manchmal abrupt stoppt, und so weiter.
Die neue Beta fügt außerdem die Funktion Data Monitor in der Game Toolbox hinzu, um FPS/CPU/GPU-Daten in Echtzeit zu überwachen, und hebt das Android-Sicherheitspatch-Level auf April 2021 an.
OnePlus 8T OxygenOS Open Beta 3 Changelog
- System
- Fixed the issue that some app’s fonts are displayed abnormally after setting customized fonts
- Fixed the small probability issue where the status bar cannot be pulled down
- Fixed the small probability issue where the status bar does not display app icons
- Fixed the issue that the missed calls are not displayed in the notification bar
- Fixed the small probability issue that the expanded screenshot may stop working
- Fixed the small probability issue where recording audio with headphones may not work as expected
- Updated Android security patch to 202104
- Camera
- Fixed the small probability issue that the previewed photos are flickering under the photo mode
- Calculator
- Fixed the abnormal display with the calculator under the split-screen
- Ambient Display
- Fixed the issue that the contextual information of AOD is not updated timely
- Fixed the issue that the ambient display is switched to Canvas after the device owner is changed
- Fixed the issue with AOD that the time is displayed abnormally when the system language is Hebrew
- OnePlus Games
- Newly added the Data Monitor feature, you can find it in the Game Toolbox and monitor the FPS/CPU/GPU changes in real-time
- Gallery
- Improved the loading speed of the gallery to speed up the process of previewing pictures
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