OnePlus Nord bekommt OxygenOS AC2003_11.F.12​ Update

OnePlus Nord
Quelle: OnePlus

Das OnePlus Nord bekommt sein frisches monatliches Update spendiert. Nun steht das OxygenOS AC2003_11.F.12 Update für die User zum Download zur Verfügung. Das neueste Update bringt den Patch von Mai 2022 auf das Gerät. Und wir ihr sicherlich bemerkt habt, ist dies nun auch OxygenOS 12 basierend auf Android 12.

OygenOS 12 ist nun auf dem OnePlus Nord angekommen. Und mit der neuen Version auch viele Neuerungen für das Modell. Wie immer wird die Aktualisierung in Wellen an die User verteilt.

OnePlus Nord OxygenOS AC2003_11.F.12 Changelog

  • System
    • [Added] Smart Battery Engine, a feature that prolongs your battery life based on smart algorithms and biomimetic self-restoration technology
    • [Optimized] desktop icons with improved textures, by using a design inspired by brand-new materials and uniting lights and layers
    • [Fixed] the issue that sound plays abnormally
    • [Fixed] the occasional issue that unable to start „OK Google“ with voice
    • [Fixed] the issue that Safe Mode popup displayed abnormally in certain scenarios
    • [Fixed] the issue that Camera displayed abnormally and crashed
    • [Fixed] the issue that the charging icon displayed abnormally
    • [Updated] Android security patch to 2022.05
  • Dark mode
    • [Supported] three adjustable levels, bringing a more personalized and comfortable user experience
  • Shelf
    • [Added] new additional style options for Cards, making data contents more visual and easier to read
    • [Added] access to OnePlus Scout in Shelf, allowing you to search multiple contents on your phone, including Apps, Settings, Media Data, etc
  • Work Life Balance
    • [Added] WorkLife Balance feature, allowing you to effortlessly switch between Work and Life mode via quick settings
    • [Supported] automatic Work/Life mode switching, based on specific locations, Wi-Fi network, and time, also bringing customized App notification profiles according to the personalization
  • Gallery
    • [Supported] switching between different layouts with a two-finger pinch gesture, intelligently recognizing the best-quality pictures, and cropping the thumbnail based on the content, making the gallery layout more pleasing
  • Canvas AOD
    • [Added] new diverse styles of lines and colors, for a more personalized lock screen experience with inspiring visuals
    • [Added] multiple brushes and strokes and support for color adjustment
    • [Optimized] software algorithm and improved face recognition to better identify the features and skin color of different figures
  • Games
    • [Added] HyperBoost end-to-end frame rate stabilizer
    • [Added] Voice effect preview to allow you to record your voice effect or check your voice effect in real-time


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