OnePlus Nord: Die OxygenOS 11 Open Beta 1 ist da!
OnePlus hat nun bekannt gegeben, dass die OxygenOS 11 Open Beta 1 für das OnePlus Nord bereit steht. Die Testversion kann ab sofort heruntergeladen und getestet werden.
Bitte beachtet, dass es sich hierbei um Beta-Software handelt und diese daher weniger stabil sein kann und Fehler auftauchen können. Vor der Installation wird dringend empfohlen, ein vollständiges System-Backup zu erstellen.
OnePlus Nord OxygenOS 11 Open Beta 1 Changelog
• Update to Android 11 version
• Fresh new UI visual design brings you a more comfortable experience with various optimizations of details
• Optimize the stability of some third-party applications and improve user experience
Ambient Display
• Newly added Insight clock style, a joint creation with Parsons School of Design. It will change according to the phone usage data ( To set: Settings > Customization > Clock Style)
• Added Canvas feature that can automatically draw a wireframe picture based on a lock screen photo on your phone(Path:Settings-Customization-Wallpaper-Canvas-Choose photo preview and it can be generated automatically)
• Newly added 10 new clock styles ( To set: Settings > Customization > Clock Style)
Dark Mode
• Added the shortcut key for Dark Mode, pull down the quick setting to enable.
• Supporting automatically turn on feature & customize time range. path: Settings – Display – Dark Mode – Turn on automatically – Automatically enable from sunset to sunrise / Custom time range
• Newly shelf interface design, the interface is clearer
• Added weather widget, animation effect smarter
• Supporting Story function, automatically form weekly videos with photos and video in storage
• Optimize the loading speed of the gallery, and the image preview is faster
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