Opera: Statement zu den Vorwürfen
Opera sieht sich schweren Vorwürfen angeklagt. Verstöße gegen Bundeswertpapiergesetze in den USA und räuberische Kredit-Apps im Play Store mit Zinssätzen von bis zu 876 Prozent lauten die Vorwürfe.
Nun hat sich Opera in einem Statement zu Wort gemeldet. Alle Anschuldigungen seinen haltlos, der Bericht enthalte zahlreiche Fehler, unbegründete Aussagen und irreführende Schlussfolgerungen und Interpretationen.
Derzeit liegt der Wortlaut nur im englischen Original vor:
„At Opera, we believe Hindenburg has issued this report with the attempt at creating a situation to short Opera shares. If you go to their website, you will find a disclaimer:
“Hindenburg Research (possibly along with or through our members, partners, affiliates, employees, and/or consultants) along with our clients and/or investors has a short position in all stocks (and/or options of the stock) covered herein, and therefore stands to realize significant gains in the event that the price of any stock covered herein declines.” As you can see this isn’t a legitimate research institution.
To find truthful information, iIt’s easy for everyone to check our public figure, like our strong growth rates for the browsers, and everyone should know by now not to use global market shares as analysis.
While its not common for public companies to comment on such short reports, we have issued a statement on investor.opera.com about it:
Opera Statement on Recent Speculation
The Company is aware of and has carefully reviewed the report published by the short seller on January 16, 2020. The Company believes that the report contains numerous errors, unsubstantiated statements, and misleading conclusions and interpretations regarding the business of and events relating to the Company.
The Company has recently launched and scaled multiple new businesses and has continued to post strong financial results, and intends to continue leveraging its well-known brand and large user base of more than 350 million users for additional growth. The Company also remains committed to maintaining high standards of corporate governance and constantly evolving our products, practices and governance.“
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