Thunderbird 102.4.0 veröffentlicht

Mozilla Thunderbird Logo
Quelle: Mozilla Foundation

Die beliebte Mail-App Thunderbird gibt es nun in einer Version. Ab sofort steht Thunderbird 102.4.0 zum Download und zur Installation bereit. Einfach mal nachsehen und dann die neue Version installieren.

Thunderbird 102.4.0 steht nun für Windows ab Version 7, macOS ab Version 10.12 und Linux ab GTK+ 3.14 zur Verfügung. Ein paar Bugfixes für Sicherheitslücken bringt nun die neueste Version für den Mail-Client.

Thunderbird 102.4.0 Changelog


  • Thunderbird will automatically detect and repair OpenPGP key storage corruption caused by using the profile import tool in Thunderbird 102


  • POP message download into a large folder (~13000 messages) caused Thunderbird to temporarily freeze
  • Forwarding messages with special characters in Subject failed on Windows
  • Links for FileLink attachments were not added when attachment filename contained Unicode characters
  • Address Book display pane continued to show contacts after deletion
  • Printing address book did not include all contact details
  • CardDAV contacts without a Name property did not save to Google Contacts
  • „Publish Calendar“ did not work
  • Calendar database storage improvements
  • Incorrectly handled error responses from CalDAV servers sometimes caused events to disappear from calendar
  • Various visual and UX improvements


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