Thunderbird 115.10.0 veröffentlicht

Thunderbird Logo neu
Quelle: Mozilla Foundation

Die beliebte Mail-App Thunderbird gibt es nun in einer Version. Ab sofort steht Thunderbird 115.10.0 zum Download und zur Installation bereit. Einfach mal nachsehen und dann die neue Version installieren.

Thunderbird 115.10.0 steht nun für Windows ab Version 7, macOS ab Version 10.12 und Linux ab GTK+ 3.14 zur Verfügung. In der neuen Version wurden wieder einige Fehler behoben.

Thunderbird 115.10.0 Changelog


  • Creating a tag in General Settings with a number as the tag name did not work
  • Quick Filter button selections did not persist after restart
  • Collapsing and expanding message list headers sometimes caused header to scroll out of view
  • Single message with no children inside a parent thread sometimes displayed incorrectly as a thread with a duplicate of itself as its child
  • „Get selected messages“ menu items did not work
  • „Download and Sync Messages“ dialog was too short when using Russian locale, obscuring OK button
  • After changing password on an IMAP account, the account could become locked due to too many failed login attempts
  • Retrieving multiline POP3 message from server failed if message chunk ended in newline instead of carriage return and newline
  • IMAP, POP3, and SMTP Exchange autoconfiguration did not support encryption configuration
  • Non-empty address book search bar interfered with displaying/editing contacts
  • Deleting attendees from „Invite Attendees“ view removed attendees from view, but not from invite
  • Splitter arrow between task list and task description did not behave as expected
  • Security fixes


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