Thunderbird 115.2.0 veröffentlicht

Thunderbird Logo neu
Quelle: Mozilla Foundation

Die beliebte Mail-App Thunderbird gibt es nun in einer Version. Ab sofort steht Thunderbird 115.2.0 zum Download und zur Installation bereit. Einfach mal nachsehen und dann die neue Version installieren.

Thunderbird 115.2.0 steht nun für Windows ab Version 7, macOS ab Version 10.12 und Linux ab GTK+ 3.14 zur Verfügung. In der neuen Version wurden wieder einige Fehler behoben.

Thunderbird 115.2.0 Changelog


  • Thunderbird MSIX packages are now published on


  • Size, Unread, and Total columns are now right-aligned
  • Newsgroup names in message list header are now abbreviated


  • Message compose window did not apply theme colors to menus
  • Reading the second new message in a folder cleared the unread indicator of all other new messages
  • Displayed counts of unread or flagged messages could become out-of-sync
  • Deleting a message from the context menu with messages sorted in chronological order and smooth scroll enabled caused message list to scroll to top
  • Repeatedly switching accounts in Subscribe dialog caused tree view to stop updating
  • „Ignore thread“ caused message cards to display incorrectly in message list
  • Creating tags from unified toolbar failed
  • Cross-folder navigation using F and N did not work
  • Account Manager did not resize to fit content, causing „Close“ button to become hidden outside bounds of dialog when too many accounts were listed
  • Remote content exceptions could not be added in Settings
  • Newsgroup list file did not get updated after adding a new NNTP server
  • „Download all headers“ option in NNTP „Download Headers“ dialog was incorrectly selected by default
  • „Convert to event/task“ was missing from mail context menu
  • Events and tasks were not shown in some cases despite being present on remote server
  • Various visual and UX improvements
  • Security fixes


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