Thunderbird 115.4.3 veröffentlicht
Die beliebte Mail-App Thunderbird gibt es nun in einer Version. Ab sofort steht Thunderbird 115.4.3 zum Download und zur Installation bereit. Einfach mal nachsehen und dann die neue Version installieren.
Thunderbird 115.4.2 steht nun für Windows ab Version 7, macOS ab Version 10.12 und Linux ab GTK+ 3.14 zur Verfügung. In der neuen Version wurden wieder einige Fehler behoben.
Thunderbird 115.4.3 Changelog
- Forwarding multiple messages as attachments failed
- Message list scrolling fixes
- Some text remained incorrectly visible in the message list when using „Grouped By“ sorting
- Subject lines were excessively indented in „Grouped by“ views
- „Open Message in Conversation“ was incorrectly enabled for selections of multiple messages
- States of collapsed and expanded threads were not maintained when switching folders
- Pressing „n“ to move to the next unread message on an unread, collapsed thread opened the thread and selected the second message instead of the first
- Search Folders dialog improvements
- „Read Messages“ button in Account Central did not retrieve mail from POP accounts
- Events canceled by the organizer were incorrectly sent cancelation message
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