Xiaomi bestätigt Teilnahme am MWC 2020

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Während die Liste der Absagen zum MWC 2020 immer länger wird, hat ein Hersteller seine Teilnahme nun noch einmal bestätigt.

Auf Grund der Masse an Nachfragen sah sich nun Xiaomi dazu veranlasst, ein Statement zur Teilnahme am MWC 2020 herauszugeben. Man werde vor Ort sein, erklärt das Unternehmen.

Man halte weiter an der Teilnahme an der Messe fest. Schließlich will man dort ja auch sein neues Flaggschiff präsentieren.

Und hier nun das offizielle Xiaomi-Statement zum nachlesen:

Xiaomi is attending MWC Barcelona 2020 as planned

With the continuing spread of the novel coronavirus pneumonia, we would like to inform our fans, media friends, partners and users that the health and safety of everyone is a top priority for all of us at Xiaomi.
Also, we will attend MWC Barcelona 2020 as planned, and launch our latest smartphones as well as a range of smart hardware.
Xiaomi is committed to containing the current outbreak by following all effective recommended measures to safeguard the health and well-being of its employees, fans, media friends, partners and users who are coming to visit us around the world.
Thus, we have put in place further instructions regarding our global product launch on February 23, as well as at our MWC booth located at 3D10, Hall 3, Fira de Barcelona Gran Vía, from February 24 to 27

  • We will make sure that all employees traveling from China show no symptoms and will have been out of China for at least 14 calendar days before their arrival in Barcelona for our launch event and MWC.
  • We will make sure all senior executives of the company scheduled to take part in any kind of activities and meetings will have been out of China for at least 14 calendar days prior to our launch event and MWC.
  • We will follow GSMA’s guidance and ensure that the exhibition booth and all displayed products are disinfected on a frequent basis.
  • We will make sure that all the staff with booth presentation duty are from our local offices across Europe. We will also ensure they have no symptoms for 14 calendar days before offering on ground support at our launch event and MWC booth.

Thank you all for your understanding and support.


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